Championing Equality: Dalit and Human Rights Organizations

Welcome to the heart of our mission for equality and justice. At Project NAVAYAN, we firmly believe in the power of collaboration to drive positive change. In our relentless pursuit of social justice, we proudly partner with a network of dedicated Dalit and Human Rights organizations. Together, we share a common vision: to break the chains of oppression, advocate for the marginalized, and foster a more equitable society.

Our Collaborative Efforts: Our journey alongside these organizations has been marked by unwavering dedication and transformative impact. Together, we have championed the cause of the marginalized, working tirelessly to uplift the voices of those often unheard. Through our alliances, we aim to bridge the gap between privilege and adversity, striving for a world where every individual’s rights are respected and upheld.

Explore Their Missions: Below, you’ll find an overview of the Dalit and Human Rights organizations we are proud to call our partners. Each one brings its unique perspective, expertise, and commitment to the table. Discover their missions, achievements, and how they align with Project NAVAYAN’s unwavering commitment to social justice.

Get Involved: As you explore these organizations and their vital work, you may feel inspired to join us in this noble journey. Whether through donations, volunteering, or spreading awareness, your support can catalyze change and empower those striving for a brighter future.



All India Students Federation

Affiliation: Students Organization
Key Person: Biswanath Mukherjee

Ambedkar Knowledge Center

Affiliation: Education
Key Person: Vijay Vangalapudi

Prabuddha Cultural Center

Affiliation: Buddhist Organization
Key Person: Vijay Navayan

India Evangelical and Educational Rural Development

Affiliation: NGO
Key Person: Bathula Kiran Chand

John Peta Youth Associatio

Affiliation: Youth Empowerment
Key Person: Sudheer Rayinutala

Jana Vignana Vedika

Affiliation: Science Promition
Key Person: Bramha Reddy

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