Unveiling the Ambedkar Knowledge Center: Architects’ 3D Models Completed and Ready for Display

We are excited to announce that the architect designs and 3D models for the Ambedkar Knowledge Center and Prabuddha Cultural Center have been completed and are now ready for display! After months of brainstorming and collaboration, our team of architects have brought our vision to life. The 3D models showcase the intricate details and layout […]
Land allotment request for Ambedkar Knowledge Center: A Step Towards Empowering Dalits

The Navayan Buddhist Society is proud to announce a significant milestone in the construction of the Ambedkar Knowledge Center project. The society has been working diligently to acquire land for the project, and with the help of local MLA and supporters, we have successfully obtained the necessary allocation. The society has given representation to Atapaka […]
What is Prabuddha Cultural Center and the Purpose behind it…

Brief information about Prabuddha Cultural Center being constructed at John Peta Village of Kaikaluru Mandal, Krishna District, Andhrapradesh. Why did Ambedkar Convert to Buddhism? https://youtu.be/3gYOQ0RWEOM
Gave representation to Allot land and Permissions for Prabuddha Cultural Center

Navayan Buddhist Society President Vijay Kumar Vangalapudi and Vice President Madhan Kumar Kummarikunta Gave representation letter to #Kaikaluru MRO Sri Suryarao garu to Allot Land and Permissions to build Prabuddha Cultural Center on behalf of Navayan Buddhist Society in JohnPeta village. #JohnPetaYouthAssociation, #NavayanBuddhistSociety #Navayan
Happy 74th Independence Day Greetings – Navayan Buddhist Society

Navayan Buddhist Society మరియు John Peta Youth Association నుంచి 74వ స్వాతంత్ర దినోత్సవ శుభాకాంక్షలు. ఇంతకి నవయాన్ అంటే ఏమిటి? నవయాన్ బుద్ధిస్ట్ సొసైటీ navayan.org ( జాన్ పేట గ్రామం లో బుద్ధిస్ట్ గ కన్వర్ట్ అయిన వారి కోసం బుద్దుని ధ్యాన మందిరం కట్టడానికి ఏర్పటు చేసిన ట్రస్ట్ ) మరియుఅంబేద్కర్ Knowledge సెంటర్ ( కంప్యూటర్ ల్యాబ్, లైబ్రరీ, మరియు రీడింగ్ రూమ్ ) – జాన్ పేట గ్రామంలో […]
What is Navayana? And why did Ambedkar choose it over the Hindhu religion?

Navayana (Devanagari: नवयान, IAST: Navayāna) means “new vehicle” and refers to the re-interpretation of Buddhism by B. R. Ambedkar. Ambedkar was born in a Dalit (untouchable) family during the colonial era of India, studied abroad, became a Dalit leader, and announced in 1935 his intent to convert from Hinduism to Buddhism. Thereafter Ambedkar studied texts […]
Navayan Buddhist Society registration certificate

The Navayan Buddhist Society is a non-profit organization founded on the principles of Navayan Buddhism, inspired by Dr. B.R. Ambedkar’s teachings. The society is committed to promoting social justice and equality for all, with a particular focus on empowering underprivileged Dalit communities in India. The society’s website serves as a platform for sharing information about […]